Login error support

Login failed at the service you tried to access. Please see below for possible reasons and actions.

Identification failed

The service that you tried to access did not get all required attributes for identification and/or personalization.

Please contact servicedesk at https://www.example.com/support and include the name of the service you tried to access, any missing attributes if you know what they are (the service may have informed you) and, if possible, a screenshot of the error message including the address bar at the top of the web browser.

Authentication error

The service you tried to access failed during the authentication stage

This may be because it requires additional steps which did not occur during login (such as using a second factor).

Please try again. If you cannot resolve the issue yourself, please contact servicedesk at https://www.example.com/support and include the name of the service you tried to access, any error information given by the service and, if possible, a screenshot of the error message including the address bar at the top of the web browser.

Insufficient privileges

The service that you tried to access requires privileges that you do not have.

If you think you should have access, please contact servicedesk at https://www.example.com/support and include the name of the service you tried to access, any privileges that were noted as missing and, if possible, a screenshot of the error message including the address bar at the top of the web browser.

Access error

An error occurred when accessing the service

If you think you should be able to access the service, please contact servicedesk at https://www.example.com/support and include the name of the service you tried to access, any privileges that were noted as missing and, if possible, a screenshot of the error message including the address bar at the top of the web browser.